Alphabet Ball Set (26 Vinyl Multi-Coloured Balls)
Cats in the Corner
• Mark off square play area.
• The ball roller will be in the center of the square.
• There are safe zones at each of the corners where all the players called ‘Cats’ will be.
• When the bowler calls “Cats In The Corner”, the Cats have to run from one corner to another without getting hit by the rolling ball on your feet.
• They can go any direction including diagonal as long as they do not get hit.
• Any “Cat” player hit by the ball is out and goes into the centre to be a ball bowler
• If you have a large group, you can have several balls and a couple bowlers
Say and Catch
With at least 2 players, decide on a category, like animals, or countries or math question for example. Toss the ball back and forth among the players, and each time a player catches the ball, he must name something from the category chosen or he is out.